The Follow-up of Graduates at UTEQ should become an input and tool that frames a permanent line of research that, articulated to the university planning, supports the actions of the different Academic Units, as well as programmes or projects that are related to the labour market and opportunities for UTEQ alumni.
- Build and develop a properly structured and documented Graduate Follow-up System.
- To determine the level of satisfaction of graduates with the university services received during their professional training.
- To contribute with occupational experiences for the improvement of university services.
- To identify continuously and through analysis the evolution of the labour market insertion processes of UTEQ graduates.
- Successively qualify the continuous knowledge of the professional competences demanded by society.
- Quantify the input of indicators for the design and/or redesign of curricula.
- Establish mechanisms and carry out studies to know the current and prospective state of UTEQ's degree programmes, the professional insertion itineraries of graduates, the level of satisfaction regarding the quality of the training offered and the services provided by the University, as well as the perspective of employers regarding the skills required and the performance of graduates.
- To draw up reports for the dissemination of results, organised by faculties, with the participation of the productive sector, the government and the university community, with the participation of the productive and governmental sectors and the university community, with the aim of finding and link with the curricular plan.
- Generate inputs that allow the construction of evidence of the indicators of the university quality criteria, related to relevance and the curriculum.
- To create virtual spaces that allow to maintain a permanent link between UTEQ and its graduates, facilitating the identification and permanent relationship of the graduates with their University. with their University.